1. evil

EVIL after beat Tetsuya Naito for both IWGP IC/Heavyweight Title at Dominion

Yes… I know. Don’t hate me because I hate to say that yes.. the reason why Naito is not #1 is because of EVIL. He is #1 for a reason because for many of us this new EVIL came very out of nowhere, and he took the reins very fast not fooling around at all. Won’t ever forgive him for attacking and cheap-shotting at Naito on that NJC Finale show, and then beating him at Dominion. Neither will I forgive him for making our poor Hiromu sad and scream in anger in the middle of the ring. That was very disheartening. BUT was it clever? I kinda am starting to think that maybe there is a method to this madness. Like many of you, I am still wondering when will our dear friend Switchblade Jay White reappear and rise from the ashes proclaiming what had long been his destiny.

Best EVIL match in 2020 (so far): Dominion 2020 EVIL vs Tetsuya Naito

Mood because… EVIL!

Well there you have it folks. Here is my list of NJPW wrestlers that stood out for me this year so far. But the year is far from ending and we got Summer Struggle in Jingu coming up by the end of this month, and of course I will be making predictions for the show. Cannot wait to see what other announcement may happen. I’m also watching NJC USA. I just happen to forget to do the predictions for it. Silly goose me! My flash prediction for it I think I want David Finlay vs KENTA, and for KENTA to win it all. Think that’s my final verdict. But as usual ending this blog entry reminding you all to stay hydrated, healthy, social distancing, WEARING MASKS & remember to always be kind. See you on the next.


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