Hello everyone, Ali here! I know it’s been a long while. I just haven’t been watching NJPW lately but I’ll probably get back to it soon when I feel better. Today I wanted to take some time to remember one of the brightest stars in wrestling that unfortunately passed away way too soon. Hana Kimura was someone who seemed like everyone had nothing but really nice things to say. Now that it has been a year since her passing, we still mourn for her. But also we want to celebrate her life and remember the good times. I have 2 blog pieces dedicated to her from a year ago & her birthday if you are interested in reading it (click here & here). I just hope that where ever she is she knows how incredibly loved she was by so many people from all over the world. Hana Kimura’s spirit is still alive.

It’s been exactly one year since she parted to the heavens and many of us still have been dealing with this great loss. I might have never that the privilege of meeting her, but I can only imagine meeting her was like meeting an actual angel. The way she carried herself in/out the ring, in pre/post-matches, or anywhere, was so infectious and made me very happy to love wrestling because she was, to me, what was missing in pro wrestling. Someone who was genuinely nice and kind person who loved her fans and wanted to represent the wrestling community and take it to bigger heights. Her love of pro wrestling was that big, and it was that important for her to show it to the world. So even when wrestling may have more darkness than brightness, remember that a true angel lived amongst them. Might have been for a brief time, but it was still just as special as if it was for a lifetime. I hope that everyone is able to remember her for her talent, her strength, her sweetness and her smile. Will always be thankful for her presence in wrestling and in my heart. Thank you for everything, Hana Kimura!


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